Most Common Sign, Cause, type, in nursing
The Most Common cause of Cell injury: *Hypoxia*
Most Common cause of Hypoxia: *Ischemia*
Most Common cause of Inflammation: *Infection*
Most Common cause of Impaired Wound Healing: *Infection
Most Common cause of Acute Cor Pulmonale Pulmonary: *Embolism*
Most Common cause of Chronic Cor Pulmonale: *COPD*
Most Common cause of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: *Small Cell Carcinoma of Lung Compression*
Most Common cause of Infection in Cystic fibrosis in Children: *Staphylococcus aureus*
Most Common cause of Infection in Cystic Fibrosis in adolescents and adults: *Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Most Common cause of Seizure in Newborn: *Hypoxia-induced Ischemic Encephalopathy*
Most Common cause of Epiglottitis in Children: *Hemophilus influenza b*
Most Common Lesion of Diabetic Retinopathy: *Diffuse Glomerulosclerosis*
Most Common Lesion in Asbestosis: *Benign Pleural Plaques*
Most Common Benign Lesion of Liver: *Cavernous Hemangioma*
Most Common Intracranial Lesion after Head Injury: *Subdural Hemorrhage*
Most Common cranial Nerve involved in Glomus tumor: *Facial Nerve*
Most Common Nerve palsy in Diabetic Retinopathy: *Oculomotor*
Most Common Nerve for Peripheral stimulation (Supramaximal Stimulation): *Ulnar Nerve (Volar side of Wrist)*
Most Common Nerve involved in Leprosy: *1st Posterior Tibial Nerve 2nd Ulnar Nerve*
Most Common Nerve leading to Abscess: *Ulnar Nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in anterior dislocation of the shoulder: *Circumflex branch of axillary nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Fracture neck of Numerus: *Axillary nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Lunate Dislocation: *Median Nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Fracture medial epicondyle of Numerus: *Ulnar nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Supracondylar fracture of Numerus: *1st Anterior Interosseous Nerve 2nd Median Nerve 3rd Radial Nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Forearm fractures especially Monteggia fracture: *Posterior interosseous Nerve*
Most Common Nerve involved in Perilunate dislocation: *Median Nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Posterior Dislocation of Hip: *Sciatic nerve*
Most Common Nerve injured in Most CommonBurney’s Incision: *Iliohypogastric Nerve*
Most Common Nerve involved in Thoracic outlet Syndrome: *Ulnar Nerve*
Most Common Nerve affected by Plexiform Neurofibroma: *Trigeminal Nerve*
Most Common Nerve injury in Postpartum Female: *Common Peroneal Nerve*
Most common route of Lead Intoxication: *Inhalation*
Most CommonOccupational Cancer: *Skin(Squamous cell carcinoma)*
Most CommonMental Disorder causing death: *Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia*
Most Common Infection of Streptococcus pneumonia: *Otitis Media*
Most Common Gram Positive organism causing meningitis: *Streptococcus pneumonia*
Most CommonGram Negative organism causing meningitis: *Neisseria meningitides*
Most Common Source of Meningococcal meningitides: *Carrier*
Most Common Legionella causing Human disease: *Legionella Pneumophilia*
Most Common Diagnostic test in Lymphogranulorum venerum: *Cell Culture*
Most Common Infection Complicating Organ Transplantation: *CMV*
Most Common Genital Lesion in HIV patient: *Herpes*
Most Common organ affected in Amoebic Colitis: *Caecum*
Most Common organ affected in Visceral Leishmaniasis: *Spleen*
Most Common Diagnostic specimen for Visceral Leishmaniasis: *Spleen*
Most Common Parasitic Infection of CNS: *Cysticercosis*
Most Common Congenital Lesion complicated by Infective Endocarditis: *VSD*
Most Common association of Right-sided aortic arch: *Tetrology of Fallot*
Most Common condition associated with Coarctation of Aorta: *Bicuspid Aortic Valve*
Most Common Rheumatic Valvular Disease: *Mitral Regurgitation*
Most Common Renal Vein Thrombosis is seen in *Membranous Glomerulonephritis*
Most Common Ectopic Ureter associated with: *Dysuria*
Most Common Symptomatic CNS infection in *Neonates Rubella, HSV*
Most Common Virus causing Diarrhoea in Infants: *Rota Virus*
Most Common Biochemical abnormality in Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis: *Hypokalemic Hypochloremic Metabolic alkalosis with Paradoxical aciduria*
Most Common Carcinoma of Breast: *Intraductal Carcinoma*
Most Common cells damaged during Hypoxia: *Neurons*
Most CommonThyroid carcinoma: *Papillary*
Most Common Thyroid carcinoma after radiation Papillary
Most Common etiological agent for Lung Abscess: *Anaerobic bacteria*
Most Common Chronic Occupational disease in the world: *Silicosis*
Most Common Renal Stones: *Calcium Oxalate*
Most Common CNS Herniation: *Transtentorial Herniation*
Most Common Demyelinating Disease: *Multiple Sclerosis*
Most Common mutated gene in Human cancer: *P53*
Most Common mutation in Hereditary Spherocytosis: *Ankyrin*
Most Common mutation in Hereditary Elliptocytosis: *Spectrin*
Most Common Congenitally absent muscle in Humans: *Pectoralis Major*
Most Common weakened muscle in Osteoarthritis: *Quadriceps*
Most Common fractured bone in carpus: *Scaphoid*
Most Common Injured organ in Blunt injury abdomen: *Spleen*
Most Common Hereditary blood coagulation disorder: *Factor V Leiden*
Most Common virus associated with Transfusion Hepatitis: *HCV*
Most Common Source of Hemorrhage in Duodenal Ulcer (Arterial): *Gastroduodenal Artery*
Most Common Lobe involved in Carcinoma Prostate: *Posterior Lobe*
Most Common Zone involved in Carcinoma Prostate: *Peripheral Zone*
Most Common Node involved in Ca Prostate Metastasis: *Obturator Node*
Most Common Congenital Deformity of Urethra: *Hypospadiasis*
Most Common Cancer in Burn Scar: *Squamous Cell Carcinoma*
Most Common Origin of Melanoma: *Junctional Melanocytes*
Most Common Clinical Pattern of Basal cell carcinoma: *Nodular*
Most Common Infection in Dry Wound in Burns: *Pseudomonas*
Most Common side of Unilateral Cleft Lip: *Left*
Most Common Salivary Gland to get Stones: *Submandibular Gland*
Most Common Type of Inflammation: *Catarrhal
Most Common Type of Hemoglobinopathy in World: *Thalassemia*
Most Common type of mutation causing β-Thalassemia: *Splicing mutation*
Most Common type of AML: *M2*
Most Common type of AML in Down’s Syndrome: *M7*
Most Common Type of Ca Penis: *Squamous Cell Carcinoma*
Most Common Type of Malignant Melanoma: *Superficial Spreading Type*
Most Common cause of Acute Adrenocortical Insufficiency: *Abrupt withdrawal of Corticosteroids*
Most Common cause of SIADH: *Ectopic ADH by Small Cell Cancer*
Most Common cause of Hyperaldosteronism: *Conn’s Syndrome (Adrenocortical Adenoma-Left sided MOST COMMON)*
Most Common cause of Thyrotoxicosis: *Grave’s Disease*
Most Common cause of Hypothyroidism in Iodine Sufficient areas of the world: *Autoimmune Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis)*
Most Common cause of Primary Hyperparathyroidism: *Parathyroid Adenoma*
Most Common cause of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: *Renal Failure*
Most Common cause of Hypoparathyroidism: *Surgical Removal of Parathyroid Gland*
Most Common cause of Panhypopituitarism: *Pituitary adenoma*
Most Common cause of Cushing’s Syndrome: *Administration of Exogenous Corticosteroids*
Most Common cause of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: *21α Hydroxylase Deficiency*
Most Common cause of Right Heart Failure: *Left Heart Failure*
Most Common cause of Ascending Aorta Aneurysm: *Hypertension*
Most Common cause of Secondary Raynaud Phenomenon: *Systemic Sclerosis
Most Common cause of Acute bacterial Endocarditis: *Staphylococcus aureus*
Most Common cause of Subacute Endocarditis: *α Hemolytic Streptococci(Viridans)*
Most Common cause of Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis: *Staphylococcus epidermidis (Coagulase-negative*
Most Common cause of endocarditis in IV drug users: *Staphylococcus aureus*
Most Common cause of Bleeding during Tonsillectomy: *Paratonsillar Vein*
Most Common cause of Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy: *Ca Bronchus*
Most Common cause of Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy: *Thyroid Surgery*
Most Common bacterial cause of Pustule: *Streptococcus pyogenes*
Most Common cause of Cellulitis: *Streptococcus pyogenes*
Most Common cause of Lobar Pneumonia: *Streptococcus pneumonia*
Most Common cause of Bronchopneumonia: *Staphylococcus aureus*
Most Common cause of Otitis Media: *Streptococcus pneumonia*
Most Common cause of Septicemia in A splenic patient: *Streptococcus pneumonia*
Most Common cause of gas gangrene: *Clostridium perfringens(A-type)*
Most Common cause of actinomycosis: *Actinomyces Israeli*
Most Common cause of mycetoma: *Fungi*
Most Commoncause of UTI: *E.coli*
Most Common cause of Catheter-associated UTI: *E.coli*
Most Common cause of Intraabdominal Abscess: *E.coli*
Most Common cause of Acute Bacterial Peritonitis: *1st E.coli 2nd Klebsiella*
Most Common cause of Salmonella gastroenteritis: *Salmonella typhimurum*
Most Common bacterial cause of Traveller’s Diarrhoea: *ETEC*
Most Common viral cause of Traveller’s Diarrhoea: *Rotavirus*
Most Common parasitic cause of Traveller’s Diarrhoea: *Giardia*
Most Common cause of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin: *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*
Most Common cause of Bloodstained nipple discharge: *Intraductal Papilloma*
Most Common cause of Adenomatoid cancer: *Follicular Carcinoma*
Most Common cause of Thyroiditis: *Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis*
Most Common cause of Esophagitis: *Esophageal Reflux*
Most Common cause of Esophageal Perforation: *Instrumentation*
Thank you
Pradeep Kumar
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