NCL Nursing oficer Admit Card / HallTicket
2020 Exam Date Realeased
New Update on 01-05-2020:- Northern Coalfields Limited will release the Admit Card for 2020 for the posts of Paramedical Staff in May 2020. NCL Admit Card 2020 for the posts of Paramedical Staff will be available in online mode only. Candidates who are successfully applied for NCL Exam 2020 can download their Exam Admit Card from the direct official link The NCL Exam 2020 for the posts of Paramedical Staff is expected to be held in May 2020 respectively. Candidates can check their roll number and allotted Exam center from the NCL Admit Card 2020 for the posts of Paramedical Staff.
Date of Exam : Will be intimated later
Selection Process :-
Written test will be conducted separately for each post.
Exam Pattern :-
- A Common Written Test (CWT) will be conducted for selection of Candidates for the post of HEMM Operator (Trainee). However Candidates eligible for Dragline Operator (Trainee) will have to undergo an Additional Technical Test (ATT).
- The CWT will be of 100 Marks for 90 minutes duration common for all positions of HEMM Operator (Trainee). Further, the ATT (of ITI level) will be of 50 marks for 60 minutes duration for the position of Dragline Operator (Trainee) only.
- The Merit for filling the post of Dragline Operator (Trainee) will be based on the combined score of candidates in both papers (CWT + ATT); i.e. they will be evaluated on the total score of 150 marks. The Merit for filling the posts other than Dragline Operator (Trainee) will be prepared on the scores of candidates in the CWT of 100 marks.
- Selection of candidates in merit panel will be subject to securing of
–:About Admit card :-
Admit Card has not beeen published yet. For more details kindly keep in touch with our website . Admit Card downloading will bee available shortly.