What is Abortion
before 20 weeks of pregnancy expulsion of viable called abortion
Definition of abortion
- Medical Termination Act (MTP Act) is a careful termination of pregnancy by the medical and surgical method.
- Induce Abortion is Done under the MTP Act.
- MTP Act Passed = 1971
- MTP Act implement = 1972
- MTP Act provides legal abortion services, and safe abortion services to women.
Indications of MTP
- Therapeutic – MTP act Done Abortion when pregnancy is harmful the life of woman or may cause the serious injury to her physical and mental health. eg :- Hypertension, CHD , Renal failure etc.
- Eugenic – Abortion Done when risk of the fetal abnormalities. Eg: Chromosomal abnormalities 1. Down syndrome 2. NTD, Rubella etc.
- Humination – MTP act Done abortion when pregnancy Due to rape.
- Failure of Contraception – When pregnancy is result from the failure of contraceptive method in case of married women.
- Socio-Economic – When the poor socio-economic environment of the Family.
- When mother Intake Drugs.
- Intra Uterine Infection.
- Maternal mental Health.

What is the Rule of MTP Acts
- MTP can be done by skilled Doctors-
- 1. Well qualified
- 2. Registered
- 3. Medical Practitioner
- 4. Minimum assist 25 MTP.
- MTP only done in Government Hospital and Government Recognized Hospital.
- Private Hospital and clinic homes cannot perform MTP.
- Non-Government Hospital Done MTP when may take licensed by CMHO of District.
- Abortion Can’t Performs on request of husband, only women statement is Necessary.
- Consent of signature require only women.
- Patient relatives signature require when a woman is below 18 year of age and women is mentally ill.
- The women no need to produce proof of her age, MTP act accept women statement.
- If women statement is that she was raped, then not necessary for extra discussion and complaint to police.
- MTP admission Registers are professionally secured and secretly maintain. à MTP admission details cannot be share with others.
- Before 12 weeks of pregnancy à MTP performed by single Doctor.
After 12 weeks of pregnancy à MTP performed by 2 Doctors.
- Abortion not allow after 20 weeks of pregnancy under MTP Act.
- If an emergency, pregnancy can be terminated by single Doctors, even not registered, Not Training, and without consent. And also perform in non-recognized hospital.
- When a Doctor perform MTP without registered in medical practice and perform in an unrecognized hospital, will be punished with rigorous imprisonment for à 2year up to 7 years.
Methods of MTP
Method of MTP in 1st Trimester
- Medical method
- Mifepristone (RU-486) – Progesterone antagonist
- MTP kit (Mifepristone + Misoprostol)
- Methotrexate + Misoprostol
- Tamoxifen + Misoprostol
- Best medical method of MTP in 1st trimester of pregnancy:- MTP-Kit (Mifepristone + Misoprostol)
- MTP –Kit
In MTP kit 5 tablet.
- One tablet = Mifepristone 200mg.
- Four tablet = mesoprost 200mg micro gram (each)
# Mifepristone is Antagonist of progesterone.
# Misoprostol is the prostaglandin (PGE1)
# MTP-kit use before 56 Days (8 weeks) of LMP.
# MTP – kit Procedure – Firstly take mifepristone orally
How to use MTP KIT:
(Block the progesterone receptor)
Wait 24-48 hours.
Then one tablet of misoprostol keeps in the vaginal fornix and takes rest
Next misoprostol tablets keep in the vaginal fornics in interval of 3-3 hours.
Expulsion of embryonic mass
# Mifepristone are used for placental Detachment and misoprostol is used for cervical ripening and uterine contraction.
# MTP kit = 97% result is complete Abortion.
# MTP kit complication
- Hemorrhage (Most-common)
- Sepsis
- Incomplete Abortion.
- Anemia
- Menstrual Abnormalities.
- Intrauterine adhesion.
Surgical Method of Abortion
- The surgical method of MTP is more effective in 1st trimester than medical methods.
- Surgical methods of MTP are: a) Menstrual Regulation
b) Vacuum Aspiration
c) Suction Evacuation with curettage and without curettage.
b) Dilation & Evacuation
e) DNC – Dilation and Curettage
a):- Menstrual Regulation
- Menstrual Regulation is a procedure in which the endometrial cavity is aspiration with 14 Days of missed period in a woman.
- Menstrual Regulation is a OPD procedure.
- During menstrual regulation, use the aseptic precautions.
Procedure steps
- Wear gloves and introduce the posterior vaginal speculum in the vagina.
- Cervix hold by Allis forceps.
- Use Das Dilator for Dilate the cervix 4-5mm.
- 5-6mm Karman’s suction cannula is inserted and connect with 50ml syringe for suction.
- The cannula is roated and aspirate the endometrial and conception tissue.
b) :- Vacuum aspiration
- Vacuum aspiration is a OPD procedure.
- Vacuum aspiration is Done up to 12week with minimal cervical Dilations.
- Vacuum aspiration uses the plastic Disposal Cannula and 60ml plastic syringe use.
- Quick procedure (15 minutes)
- Effective procedure (98-100%)
- Aspiration Negative pressure is – 660mm Hg.
- Less traumatic procedure.
c) :- Suction evacuation and/or curettage
Suction evacuation with/without curettage is most common method for terminate the pregnancy in 1st trimester.
Negative pressure creates = 400-600mm of Hg.
The procedure involve minimal blood loss.
- MTP in 1st trimester.
- Hydatidiform mole
- Incomplete and inevitable abortion.
- OPD procedure
- Minimal blood loss
- Require only local anesthesia
- Perform only with Paracervical block.
Method of MTP in 2nd Trimester
- Medical method
- Prostaglandin – eg :- Dinoprost (PGE2) , Misoprostol (PGE1) , Gemeprost (PGE1)
- Very most effective in 2nd Trimester.
- Oxytocin – 300 units in 500ml Dextrose.
- Mifepristone + Misoprostol.
- Surgical method Abortion
Dilation and evacuation – less effective than 1st trimester.
Intra amniotic instillation of Hypertonic solution
Urea (40%) + Saline (20%)
Hypertonic Solution
Intraamniotic Instillation through abdominal route.
Fetal blood receives the Hypertonic solution and shrink
- Extra-amniotic instillation of 0% ethacridine lactate Done trans cervically through a no. 16 Foley’s Catheter.
- Hysterotomy – Hysterotomy Done through the abdominal route.
* Disadvantage – Not effective after 10 weeks
–Require electricity
— Machine is costly.
* Steps – Post vaginal speculum insert in the vagina.
— Cervix hold by Allis forceps.
— Cervix Dilate by Das Dilator.
— Cannula insert into the Negative Pressure and canulla roated.
— Product of conception and tissues are collect in suction bottale.
D) Dilatation and Evacuation –
1) Dilatation and evacuation procedure done in two phase –
a) Rapid Dilation – by mechauical Dilators.
Eg:- Das Dilators.
b) Slow Dilation – By using the Laminaria tent (Wooden Piece)
2) Rapid Dilation involve – less change of sepsis
— No require hospital admission
— Part go home early.
3) Rapid Dilation Disadvantage is cervical Injury.
4) Slow Dilation Require – Therapeutic Indication.
— Require Hospital admission
— Cervix Dilate within 12hrs.
— Less change of cervical injury.
5) Slow Dilation Disadvantage is the cervix Dilates within 12 hours.