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- Create Date December 18, 2023
- Last Updated December 18, 2023
Community Medicine (PSM) community medicine, is the epitome of modern healthcare. Where do I even begin? Let's marvel at the sheer brilliance of this field that claims to be all about preventive care and public health. Because who needs fancy medical treatments when you can just rely on community outreach programs and health education pamphlets, right? Who needs doctors specializing in complex diseases when we have self-proclaimed experts armed with their endless knowledge of how to eat your greens and exercise regularly? And my personal favorite, the magic of epidemiology! Nothing like tracking down outbreaks and identifying risk factors from the comfort of your cozy office. Truly groundbreaking stuff, I must say. So let us bow down to the superheroes of community medicine, tirelessly working behind desks while the rest of the medical world tackles real, tangible health problems. Bravo!