What is Cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer> Cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that is situated between the vagina and uterus in women. Cervical cancer is cervix cancer is a malignant tumor of the neck of the uterus (cervix). Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the cervix. 2nd most common cancer of women in India is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer awareness is represented by teal colour ribbon. January is cervical cancer awareness month.
Types of Cervical cancer
- Preinvasive cancer – cervical cancer is limited to the cervix area.
- Invasive cancer – cervical cancer occurs in the cervix and other pelvic structures.
Causes of Cervical cancer
- the causes of Cervical cancer are given below please read all the Cervical cancer Causes.
- Genetic disorder
- Human papillomavirus ( HPV )
- Sexually transmitted disease ( STD )
- HIV women
- Low socioeconomic status
- Several pregnancies
- Multiple sexual partners
- First intercourse ( early )
- Cigarette smoking
- Long-time use of oral contraceptive pill ( OCP )
- Inflammation in the cervix
- Weak immune system.
Pathophysiology of Cervical cancer
Cause / sexual activity
Entry of Human papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV affects the basal layer of the cervix
Inversion to the nearby tissue and multiply
Cervical cancer.
- Painless per vaginal bleeding (postmenstrual and postcoital bleeding).
- Watery and foul-smelling vaginal bleeding.
- Vaginal bleeding includes serosanguinous discharge.
- Dysuria and haematuria.
- Pain in lower extremities. Eg. – Pelvic, back pain, and leg Pain.
- Anorexia and weight loss.
- Anemia.
Diagnosis of Cervical cancer
- History collection and physical examination.
- Pap smear test (screening test of cervical cancer).
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test.
- CT scan and MRI.
- X-ray examination.
- Colposcopy – visual examination of the cervix and upper part of the vagina.
- Proctosigmoidoscopy – visual examination of rectum and sigmoid colon.
- Pelvic USG
- Pyelography
- Cervical biopsy
- Barium study
- CBC test.
Treatment of Cervical cancer
- Radiation therapy ( internal and external radiation therapy )
- Chemotherapy
- Cryosurgery ( freezing with nitrous oxide )
- Laser therapy – use when all boundaries of the lesions are visible clear during colposcopy examination.
Surgery for Cervical cancer
- Hysterectomy – removal of the uterus.
- Conization – remove the cone shaped area of the cervix.
- Radical Trachelectomy – removal of the cervix.
- Pelvic exenteration – removal of pelvic contents.
Complications in Cervical cancer
- Hemorrhage
- Fistula
- Rectovaginal fistula
- Vaginal stenosis
- Metastasis.
Nursing management
Nurses monitor patients’ vital signs and physical examinations. Observe the vaginal bleeding. Conduct the diagnostic procedure and Pap smear test. Monitor the patient’s bowel and bladder sounds. Assess any lesions present in the vagina and cervix. Encouragement to maintain hygienic conditions. Educate about avoiding multiple sexual partners. Nurses maintain proper nursing barriers and infection protocols. The Administrator prescribed medication and other treatments. A nurse prepares the patient for surgical intervention. Provide appropriate postoperative nursing care. Monitor vaginal bleeding after surgery. Assess the Incision site to assess infection. Provide physiological and emotional support due to disturbing body image. Educate about the benefits of follow-up care.
Important points for Cervical cancer
- Cylinder-shaped tissue between vegina and uterus – Cervix.
- Malignant tumor of neck of uterus – Cervical cancer.
- Second most common cancer in India – Cervical cancer.
- Cervical cancer awareness month – January.
- Cervical cancer awareness is represented by – Teal color ribbon.
- Cervical cancer limited to the cervix is – Preinvasive cervical cancer.
- It is called the neck of the uterus – the Cervix.
- The most common cause of cervical cancer – is human papillomavirus (HPV).
- The most common symptom of cervical cancer – Painless vaginal bleeding.
- The most common diagnostic examination of cervical cancer – is a Pap smear test.
FAQ About Cervical Cancer:-
Malignant tumor in the neck of the uterus Show
Cervical cancer.
What is the Second most common cancer in India?
Cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer awareness month
Cervical cancer awareness is represented by
Teal color ribbon.
What is the most common cause of cervical cancer?
human papillomavirus (HPV).
What is the most common symptom of cervical cancer?
Painless vaginal bleeding.
What is the most common diagnostic examination of cervical cancer?
Pap smear test.